• Front cover 
  • Breast cancer awareness month
    • Breast cancer awareness month is from the 1st of October to the 31st of October
    • I have put some information about History, the importance and the different types of breast cancer.
    • I have also put some images how to check the breast and signs of breast cancer.
  • Poem of the month
    • This has been written by one of the resident’s family members and links the art of Kintsugi (Japanese: ???, lit. ‘golden joinery’) to how they are feeling about being a wife to a residents
  • Ending poverty awareness
    • International day for eradication of poverty is October the 17th 
    • The information I have put in is the goals of the day, what is poverty with a brief explanation and some website that can be visited for more information.  
  • In House news
    • A letter from Carol about the role of the administrator to the family members.
    • Love your garden Brixham we have be given a Highly commendable reward for out garden.
    • And the birthday that are for this month 
  • Up and coming events
    • All the dates for the singers and Visitors
    • Also, the date for the residents meeting
  • Activity pages
    • Page for sudoku
    • Page for word search
    • Page for jokes, Horoscope and more information about Kintsugi (Japanese: ???, lit. ‘golden joinery’

Download the newsletter in pdf.